Juyo -made by three swordsmiths: Kaneshige, Kanetsune, Hojoji Masateru w/ three separate cut tests. Nicked named Raiden (God of Thunder and lightning). Published Shinto taikan. With old sayagaki by Dr Sato Kanzan sensei.
Sukesada nick named Unrivalled sword for the end of days 1 and 2 body cutting test. Koto period dated 1549 AD. With Shibata Mitsuo sensei letters. NBTHK Hozon
Yasusada with a five character signature and a kinzōgan-mei stating that Yamano Ka’emon Nagahisa cut with this blade in Kanbun five (1665), at the age of 68, through three bodies.
Yasusada with a five character signature. Nagahisa cut with it through four bodies in 1664 AD, testifying so to its extreme sharpness. NBTHK Tokuho with Tanzan sayagaki.
Yukihiro. Nagahisa cut two and then three bodies in 1664. With four NBTHK certificates: blade (tokubetsu hozon), All fittings with NBTHK hozon & Tanzan sayagaki. W/ new Brian Tchernega koshirae in a deep blue sea theme.